Monday, January 26, 2009

First Day of Chinese New Year's Day(of the Lunar Calendar)

Today is the first day of Chinese New Year, most people called it 'Chu1 Yi4'(Mandrin). Many Chinese go to pay someone a courtesy call on New Year's Day or shortly thereafter, usually with a present or 'Hong2 Pau1'(red packet).
I dint go to visit or pay someone a courtesy on today instead went to Queensbay Mall to watch movie --All's Well End's Well 2009 with my mom while dad go hiking with his friend. A lot of people lining- up at the box office, many movie are selling fast any time any movie. There are also 'Cai2 Shen2'(God of Wealth) to apportoin some tangerines and some red packets. Moreover, many shops are also closed because they need to go home for celebration of Chinese New Year.
Meanwhile, I also saw a Pizza Hut's Cheese man moving around outside Restaurant Pizza Hut at basement floor. It is cute.

p/s: Happy Chinese New Year!

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